I was reading this earlier….
Evan Clark really makes some excellent observations in this blog post regarding the behavior of the next generation of consumers,... but what he’s failing to mention is the potential opportunities for retailers who leverage capabilities compatible with this behavior in order to drive greater sales in both channels. Indeed it has been my observation that much of the 30s to early 40s crowd exhibits the same multichannel shopping behavior, and nearly 100% of the generation just coming out of college does as well. I identify with it because I myself shop this way, as does my wife.
I think that what we’re really seeing isn’t the rise of the omni-sapiens, what we’re seeing is the rise of the knowledgeable consumer. I mean let’s face it, with the economy in the state that it’s in, world-wide, consumers are seeking a more savvy approach to how they spend their disposable income. They want to do more with less, and they’re right to do so. Couple that with the fact that nearly everyone has the most powerful knowledge tool ever devised by man in the palm of their hand and… well… the rest is history.
This means though, that the smart retailer will not only leverage an effective multichannel strategy to drive additional sales through their web presence, but also to incentivize the consumer into their full-price stores.

I think that what we’re really seeing isn’t the rise of the omni-sapiens, what we’re seeing is the rise of the knowledgeable consumer. I mean let’s face it, with the economy in the state that it’s in, world-wide, consumers are seeking a more savvy approach to how they spend their disposable income. They want to do more with less, and they’re right to do so. Couple that with the fact that nearly everyone has the most powerful knowledge tool ever devised by man in the palm of their hand and… well… the rest is history.
This means though, that the smart retailer will not only leverage an effective multichannel strategy to drive additional sales through their web presence, but also to incentivize the consumer into their full-price stores.
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